Becoming an American~
For years I have been telling my husband that he is an accidental American, and I am the Real American because I am the American by choice. He was born in the United States, and had no say in the matter. I had decided to become a citizen, and when I did, I pleged allegience to the Flag willingly and freely. After I married Barnett, once a year from 1971 to 1975, the U.S. Government would send him a letter asking when his wife was going to become a citizen. Barnett would ask me and my response would be the same, "When I am good and ready, not before." The truth was I did really know if I wanted to be an American. Although I was born French, there was not much "French" about me. Born and raised in South East Asia mostly by my Lao grandmother, went to school in Vietnam, grew up in both places Vietnam and Laos. Though I was always remind by my Vietnamese mother that I am French (how strange is that), deep in my heart I knew I was Lao. I am...