Floating down the Mississippi river...
I woke up yesterday and realized that I really have nothing to do all day; but I don’t mind having nothing to do all day. Of course, I can find things to do, all kind of things to do to keep me busy; but do I really want that? I think not... My daughter Isabelle said, “Mom, you are like a raft floating down the Mississippi River, sometimes it is fast, sometimes it is slow.” That is a good analogy. I am retired now; I had just spent almost two months in France and Luxemburg and had a blast. I am home and very happy to be home doing nothing... Today is a good day. Tomorrow is tomorrow. The future? Who cares!!! I am a raft floating down the Mississippi River and I don’t care where it is going to take me. I am living and enjoying whatever life I have left in me to the fullest. If it is doing nothing, then it is doing nothing... October 2010? Not sure, but I will probably be in France attending a Mauritanian Reunion, who knows... December 2010??? I am going to St. Croix and park there for a while with my sister Elle and help her make soaps in her mother's kitchen, but only in the middle of the night while Hope is sleeping... You hear that Elle????? I am a drifter and thank goodness Isabelle and Barnett both keep me grounded...
Geniale ma belle!!
Heureusement que vous êtes la tous les deux pour me lire... Je n'ai pas beaucoup de fan dans mon B.L.O.G., mais aucun problème; j’écris la plupart du temps pour moi-meme car j'adore raconter des bêtises sur moi même!!!